B E L O V E D : C H I L D R E N O F T H E H O L O C A U S T
One pencil, seven months, one untrained artist. In a nutshell, that is the story of Beloved: Children of the Holocaust. With no artistic training, I felt compelled to draw little Hersch in January, 2017. No one could have been more surprised than I when he peeked out of the paper at me! After I finished his portrait, I began looking for other children whose lives had been cut tragically short in the Holocaust. I felt that not only their lives, but their voices had been taken from them, and I wanted to give them a chance to speak to the world. Simply put, I wanted to honor their precious little lives. My hope is that you will be blessed by them as I have been.
Read more about Mary and the creation of this collection of beloved portraits in An Unexpected Year: The Story of the Beloved Portraits.
An Unexpected Year: The Story of the
Beloved Portraits (Kindle book)
Is God at work in today’s world in powerful and mysterious ways of which we have no knowledge? Does He continue to use ordinary people to do extraordinary things? The answer is a resounding “Yes!”
In An Unexpected Year, Mary Burkett tells the incredible story of the creation of the Beloved portraits. You will walk with her, laugh with her, wonder with her – and see the hand of God at every step. This is a simple and beautiful story of God’s call and one woman’s answer. If you question your place and your purpose, or you simply need encouragement, this is the book for you!
In one short year, Mary’s extraordinary story has been widely shared and has amazed and inspired people of all faiths and creeds. Be inspired today!